We accept submissions year-round. Everyone with a poem or poems accepted for publication will receive two complimentary copies.

We highlight a selection of poems from each issue on the magazine's website, and also we are in the process of having full issues available to view for free on the website as well. Soon we will also resume posting poems of the week from the current issue on our Tumblr feed (, providing links to the weekly poems on Tumblr on our Facebook page Calamaro Magazine.

We prefer short poems (2-30 lines long) but we also publish longer poems.

We are equally open to formal and free verse. The poems should show attention to craft as well as meaning - as the title of Laurence Perrine's book puts it, to both "sound and sense."

We do print a few previously published poems, acknowledging the book or periodical in which they first appeared. Almost all of these are solicited.

Simultaneous submissions are acceptable with the standard proviso of notifying Calamaro in a timely manner of an acceptance elsewhere.

Please do not submit more than once every 18 months.



Our response time is up to eight months. Most responses are sent out within three months; "maybe" poems are held for longer. Feel free to withdraw your poems at any time regardless of whether they have been accepted elsewhere. Please do not hesitate to inquire about your submission at any time even well before the end of the maximum response time, but especially if the maximum response time has passed and you have not heard from us about whether any of your poems have been accepted.



Submit by email to or by postal mail to Calamaro, P.O. Box 2076, Marietta, GA 30061.

  • Submit up to five poems with your name, address and email address (email address optional) on each page. Poems of 30 lines or less are much more likely to be selected.

  • With postal submissions please do NOT include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. We prefer to reply by email. If you do not want to give us an email address we will use an envelope of our own to mail you a reply.

  • With email submissions include your name and the word "submission" in the subject line.

  • With email submissions the poems may be in the body of the email or attached as either one or several files. No zip files, please.

  • Include a cover page (if emailed, either as an attachment or in the body of the email) with:

    • biographical information and a few publication credits, if any, all in one paragraph (not a full curriculum vitae)

    • your postal address

    • your email address (preferred but not required for postal submissions)

    • the titles of the poems submitted